We all have suppressed emotions or pain experienced in traumatic, destructive, and dysfunctional situations that act as a self-defense mechanism when an experience in the present, ‘Triggers’/activates undesirable energy and emotional charges from the past.
We all have suppressed emotions or pain experienced in traumatic, destructive, and dysfunctional situations that act as a self-defense mechanism when an experience in the present, ‘Triggers’/activates undesirable energy and emotional charges from the past.
How many friends do you have with a dysfunctional story-line that repeats itself throughout their lives, only with different people occupying the roles within that story? Does your friend always play the same role as victim, prosecutor or savior? Or perhaps she is dating the same person but with a different face. Those suppressed emotions want to integrate themselves so are along with your subconsciousness creating a circumstance in your life to be relieved for integration, but unfortunately no one thought us how to resolve any subjective problems with immediate personal breakthrough results, designed for fast neutralization of emotional “baggage”.
Whatever we do not process properly, becomes deposited psychological content in our subconscious, which in order keep itself “alive” it will re manifest itself – most likely when we least need it – in a form most inappropriate for a situation (through our compulsive and impulsive actions). Emotional blockages are created by past negative experiences, suppressed and unresolved emotions, self-defeating behaviors/patterns and self-limiting beliefs which are counter intentions that contribute to self-sabotage. They act as a defense mechanism to deal with deep suppressed emotional pain experienced in traumatic, destructive, and dysfunctional situations. Sometimes, we have an experience in the present, that ‘Triggers’ /activates undesirable repressed feelings from the past (on the subconscious and unconscious levels).
Our body literally records everything and holds on to all suppressed emotions until we allow them to discharge, if not – it will often result in a form of illness – every part of the body corresponds to certain psychosomatic issues. Suppressed emotions lead to all kinds of problems such as depression, anger, abuse, a variety of illnesses, etc. Emotional blocks can arise quite early in life and still have consequences long afterwards.
This insanely powerful techniques can be applied to anything that has an emotional charge – stress, fears, phobias, resistance, anxiety, compulsiveness of any type, undesirable behavior, faults, weaknesses, panic attacks, jealousy, fear of public speaking, fears in general, resistance to something or someone else, insomnia, depression, overeating, aggressive behavior, tension in the presence of authority, lack of motivation to work on your goals, a sense of inferiority, the need to attract attention, failure, problems in relationships, anxiety, insecurity, guilt, etc.This is not a traditional process of psychology, where you have to over-talk your problems with a psychologist so often for so long, in some cases years. Traditional psychotherapy can temporarily make one feel better, since “talking out of the problem” can result in the short-term release of neurotransmitters like serotonin and oxytocin. Yet in the long run, a traditional process of the psychology approach will only amplify the problem, while FAIR AND PEAT are solving it forever if applied properly.
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