F.A.I.R. TRANSFORMATIONAL TECHNIQUE is an interpersonal psycho therapeutic self help method, designed and created to relieve emotional “baggage” and bloc​​kages through a process of integration of energetical and emotional charges. 

The initial problem can be anything from trauma, negative past experience, anxiety, fears, fobias, resistance, compulsiveness, weakness, panic attack, jealousy, aggression, tension, guilt, relationship problems, and other unwanted psychological internal stress and emotional problems, negative beliefs and feelings, defeating decisions from the past, unpleasant physical sensations, and all the other contents that have a significant impact on (our) life. Also, repressed emotions could be something that was passed on as a culturally appropriate behavior. 

Throughout the F.A.I.R. TT session, client resolves a problem that he/she chose to work on, but during the process of it there is also subconscious content that comes out, which is where the real primary problem is that is more relevant and should be resolved urgently. However, the client is very often not aware of how much impact that has on his/her life. F.A.I.R. TT solves more than a few things in one session.        

Tatjana Milana is the founder of F.A.I.R. which is an abbreviation for Free Authentic Integration Release. The method itself is easy, practical, and dignified, there is no cathartic moments or large emotional outbursts, it is confidential – the client is not obligated to reveal the subject or the problem that is being solved, and the process can be conducted by anyone who carefully follows the guidelines given on seminars/webinars.

There is a purpose in every one of our thoughts and emotions, and we are refusing to realize their purpose by repressing them. For example, if we feel fear, and it is being neglected, there is no possibility to recognize and make use of the energy that is driven and connected to that fear. Nor can we have a clear vision of the dangers that are triggered by the repression. When we are aware that we are experiencing an emotion that is not welcomed, and we are consciously refusing to experience it, we are in fact repressing that emotion. Repressed aspects, in most cases, are those emotions or desires that could be classified as shameful or disconcerting. Meaning, the emotions that we are not comfortable with, which are usually linked to our childhood experiences, are so very well harbored in our sub-consciousness to the point that we are completely unaware that they even exist anymore.

Repressing emotions is causing emotional numbness. By repressing emotions, we are deliberately neglecting the reality of the emotion, and at the same time desensitizing our consciousness about the pressure and movement of the energy that emotion carries within us. The level on which we repress an emotion or a sensation is the same level we repress all other emotions and sensations. For example; when we refuse to experience the emotion of fear and rage, we are also losing the capability to feel love, happiness and peace. When sorrow is integrated, we have a chance to experience joy, when we integrate aggression, we have a chance to enjoy true peace, when anger is integrated, we can experience real happiness, and so on…



Basic peat is an easy and very efficient system for the elimination of unwanted emotional and psychological states.  It’s also a very efficient method of Spiritual self-development that allows you to solve any subjective problem.  This system is unique in that it teaches you an instantaneous and powerful process for changing your worst short-coming, fears, phobias and self-defeating behaviors.  


Deep PEAT goes to the very core and integrates deep polarities or opposites in the human being, achieving two purposes simultaneously: it increases our quality of everyday living and accelerates our spiritual development. Deep PEAT integrates Primordial Polarities, the most charged polarity that exists within us. Primordial Polarities determines our perception, personality and behavior more than any other single element of our unconscious. With application of the Deep PEAT we recognize Oneness as our true essence and release our consciousness from bipolar perception of the self and the world.


Deep PEAT goes to the very core and integrates deep polarities or opposites in the human being, achieving two purposes simultaneously: it increases our quality of everyday living and accelerates our spiritual development. Deep PEAT integrates Primordial Polarities, the most charged polarity that exists within us. Primordial Polarities determines our perception, personality and behavior more than any other single element of our unconscious. With application of the Deep PEAT we recognize Oneness as our true essence and release our consciousness from bipolar perception of the self and the world.

DEEP  P.E.A.T. 4

DP4 is a method of personal and spiritual development. With DP4, you learn to use the four elements of human experience (thoughts, images, emotions and sensations) to quickly depotentiate negative states and reactions as well as release the pain from traumatic experience. Besides problems and traumatic experiences, you can also integrate chosen polarities. The most popular feature of DP4 is creating desired personality traits, abilities, features and identities. DP4 is a process of spiritual alchemy which, through neutralization of polarities, gives lasting results.

Programs & Workshops

Self-improvement hasn’t worked for you? But that’s about to change… Our programs are a set of incredibly powerful tools which transform your life. No matter where are you in your life right now, our tailor made programs guided to release the power locked within you.

Our programs and online workshops are shaped to bring permanent shift in the quality of your life, quality of your relationships, the self- confidence, personal growth and enjoyment of life. They are focused on improving effectiveness and efficiency, realization of your goals, removing limiting beliefs, and the acquisition of new skills necessary for personal development.

You will learn how to utilise these techniques to make profound changes in all areas of your life, reveal and discard the fundamental assumptions on which we base our lives and decisions upon, and learn how to rapidly breakthrough any limitations and barriers. Are you ready for the most exciting journey of your life – the journey that leads you to the life you desire? If so, you are at the right place at the right time.

Certification Program

Realize the professional opportunities with a P.E.A.T. certification.

You may even choose P.E.A.T. as a career.

It offers more than monetary success, since you will be a tool of transformation and a conduit to the well-being of others;

Our certification Program is the  easiest way to achieve your goals. 

Transform Your Personality

Would you like to boost your self-esteem? Build self-worth? Become successful? Transform Your Personality program is designed to teach you a quick and effective way to create most desired personality traits and identities that manifest in life’s situations automatically, as your normal behavior. Ready for a “new” you? Becoming a different person is now easy. Tranform your personality and create lasting changes!

Transform Your Personality

Would you like to boost your self-esteem? Build self-worth? Become successful? Transform Your Personality program is designed to teach you a quick and effective way to create most desired personality traits and identities that manifest in life’s situations automatically, as your normal behavior. Ready for a “new” you? Becoming a different person is now easy. Tranform your personality and create lasting changes!

This method transforms lives forever

One of the rare methods on the market that addresses the causes of the problems instead of consequences, creating stress and drama free environment. When there is no cause, there are no consequences.

Methods are light, fast, practical, dignified (no cathartic states or large emotions outbreaks), confidential (no one will know what your subject/problem is), and can be practiced by anyone who completes the workshop/webinar.